When dealing with people you may come across a different set of personalities with different behaviors. Some of which might appeal to you at the very first meeting while others may be held as disregarded by you due to some unusual behavior. We as humans are said to tolerate all sets of behaviors but again disclosing the limit to which certain actions can or cannot be tolerated.
In our normal routine, when we come across some unusual behavioral patterns displayed by someone, we usually talk to the respectable person personally but in business, this cannot be resolved by simple table talk. In business, when an individual is not displaying appropriate behavior, the management at first talks to the person by directing someone to convey their message to the individual or they might even ignore the attitude as it was for the first time but if the same attitude continues to be displayed by the individual, then it requires a strict action.
This strict action may be informed to the individual through a letter by the management restricting him of any further acts of disruption.
In these letters, it is not wise to attack the other person through harsh tone or words. It is always in your good interest to remind the individual of your cordial relationship which you might have shared for years. Then moving on with instances where you had seen abnormal set of behaviors done by the individual and informing him that certain acts will not be tolerated any further if in case they are administered in future. The letter must be closed on a friendly note to make sure that everything ends on a positive note.
Sample Letter
Mr. Fred
House number d12.
ABL bank.
Respected Sir,
This is to inform you that your last visit to our bank has somewhat proved to be a cause of disruption in the banking activities. We at ABL value our respectable clients and you being one of them has always been a good client of ours but from the past many weeks whenever you had come to visit our bank your behavior has always upset us all.
A month ago, you had managed to scream at our cashier for a delay of only 5 minutes in delivering you the cash. After which you had without any reason slammed the door in the face of our newly appointed manager but this time you had crossed all your limits by openly criticizing over the bank’s new policy in front of our foreign clients.
Your actions have caused us a lot. We had always shared a good relationship with you over the years and have wished to go for more but these recent incidents have disrupted the whole situation. With this attitude, we are afraid that we may not be able to continue dealing with you anymore thus bringing an end to all our dealings with you.
Hope to share a positive and cordial relationship in future.
Yours Sincerely.
ABL bank.